Thursday, January 30, 2020


Here's a throwback to 10 years ago. Side car, Road Warrior, Yamahopper, Voodoo Child, Mary Jane, Slum Goddess, Swazuki, and The Boogie Barge. I think this is the only photo I have with all of them together. The Road Warrior was sold last year, the Slum Goddess met a fiery demise, and the Boogie Barge was traded and then wound up in the hands of @neil_ottensvia Instagram

Friday, January 17, 2020


I haven't posted an Old Foto Friday in ages... In the spirit of what's about to go down tonight on the Strange Days 10 build, here's @joepanhead1313 back in the day welding up a raked neck he did for one of his friends. Yes it's on it's side and yes that's probably 6011 being used 😂 😂 😂 Joe says it best, "man we fucked up a lot frames back then." Fortunately our shop has a few more technological upgrades and slightly more refined techniques 😂 Stay tuned for more updates later tonight. @strangedaysevent #retrofitcycleworks #strangedays10 #strangedays #lowbrowcustoms #sweetcheeks #floorjacksandtorchesvia Instagram