via Instagram what you gotta do. The floors and firewall are totally finished. Little bit of touch up paint is next and then I can start reassembly. #notsketchyatall #F100 #1954 #theredfang
via Instagram did a killer job building this horseshoe oil tank for Scott's Ironhead. So stoked that it's off to the chromer next! @bengottheinsta59fl @scottgallo_
via Instagram you don't have the right tools to cut down a race on a bearing but get the job done right anyway. #lathesthrowingsparks #southbend #1944 #sidecarbike
via Instagram shit, I have a floor again. It's just all tacked in place but that in itself feels like a major accomplishment. Lots of welding ahead... #iamneverdoingthisagain #F100 #theredfang
via Instagram, now was I suppose to cut that much out? #instructionsnotincluded #its goingtolookworsebeforeitgetsbetter #F100 #theredfang
via Instagram needs repop parts when you've got 15 minutes of time. It's just a splash guard for the battery box on the #F100 but still fun to make. #canofworms #theredfang