Here it is gang! One lucky person is gonna walk away with this stainless steel sissybar. A small group effort between my ol man, benny, and me. My father bent up the bar and came up with the "S.D." design. Benny tig welded everything together and I hand sanded and polished the bar.
Now I will admit the bar is not 100% perfect. There some dings and stretch marks in the steel but that's because its HAND MADE. But it will hold up 100%. Its the same style of bar we made for the panhead and its great. If having a perfect chrome sissybar is what you want, then maybe pass it on to someone else and buy one out of JP Cycles. Its a pretty sweet simple bar that I so badly want to keep for myself but one lucky person is getting next weekend!!!
Got it back from my dad. Not too shabby way of transporting it!
Lots of sand paper and Wizards Polish!
Wizards is by far the best polish I have ever used for stainless or aluminum. I stand by it 110%. However do NOT use it on chrome. It will eat it up.
Capt-The sissybar is off the charts! Ya'll have a most excellent weekend at Strange Days! We'll be between South Dakota and Indiana. Ride Free!